hydrogen h2 jobs

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About h2-jobs - Jobs for the Hydrogen Economy

At h2-jobs we are passionate about the development of the hydrogen market and we are very optimistic about the value that it is unlocking for every player along the chain. Some members of our team have worked first hand in the hydrogen industry and have a deep understanding of the market.

In summer 2021 our team, a small international team based in the Netherlands, realized that both companies and employers did not have a dedicated platform for jobs in the hydrogen industry. This resulted in a waste of both money and time for employers and employees. For example, employees would post their hydrogen jobs across different platforms where the vacancy would get lost among hundreds of similar titles but for very different industries, taking longer to filter through the noise to find suitable candidates. 

h2-jobs aims at connecting talent with opportunities for the growing hydrogen economy. Employers can post their opportunities and have access to our candidates database to find talent to join their teams as soon as possible. Employees can quickly, easily, and for free, register and create a profile and have access to their potential next professional challenge in the hydrogen industry. 

Our goals:

  • Make your job posts visible to experts highly interested in the hydrogen industry
  • Reduce the effort for candidates to apply to vacancies in the hydrogen market
  • Provide a platform to connect talent for the hydrogen economy

h2-jobs offers for employers the most comprehensive and cost-effective platform to directly connect with talent that is actively looking for their next challenge in the hydrogen industry. h2-jobs has forged partnerships with influential magazines specialized in the hydrogen market to ensure a constant traffic of experts interested in the hydrogen industry. h2-jobs helps you effectively filter through the noise and connect easier and faster with the talent that your hydrogen business needs. 

For employers, once you register you have a dedicated page with a dashboard that let’s you be in full control of your job posts. For employees, once you register you can create a personal profile to make it easier to be discovered by employers.

 Happy job hunting! 😉

Your Next Professional Challenge is Waiting

Check out the latest vacancies and advance the hydrogen economy

Testimonials From Talent

These are a few examples of candidates that took an opportunity to advance the hydrogen economy